The wonder of it all! We see from human history that the creator of the billions of galaxies and the smallest particle of matter, or even of anti-matter, wants to be my friend - my friend! This month I watched a reflection on that theme from Jem Sullivan. This is what she said in the video:
I have called you friends," says Jesus to his disciples in today's gospel [John 15:12-17]. Do we really believe the words of Jesus, or do these words go by us so quickly that we don't hear the divine invitation extended to us? God wants your friendship. God wants [everyone's] friendship! In fact, the whole point of the history of salvation...from creation to redemption [Jesus' dying for us on the cross] is about God coming in search of humanity, that we might live in union, in friendship with God, and in union with one another.Il n'est pas de plus grand amour. This is the point of wonder: That the being who is creator is concerned with the fate and actions of each person, and comes in search of us individually and all of us together!
God comes in search of humanity in the person of his son Jesus Christ, who reconciles us to God. When we reflect on this reality of faith, we are invited to respond to his divine invitation of friend ship in our daily lives. Today's gospel ends with Jesus' words to his disciples: "This I command you, love one another". To open our hearts to the love of God revealed in Jesus is to experience friendship with God. In the power of that divine love we are strengthened to love one another with the love that comes from God.