With his concept of the Six Thinking Hats, Edward de Bono gave us a set of colours to make explicit a new way of coordinating our thinking to better solve problems, and Stephen Covey has given us the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Both have had an impact on business life, directing it away from capitalism "red in tooth and claw" toward, quoting Tennyson again, a way of conducting economic activity where " love [is] Creation’s final law".
However, rapidly gaining attention in the 21st Century is the way of doing business that goes under the name of the Economy of Communion.
This way of thinking is based of a schema of seven colours:
1. Red: Entrepreneurs, workers and business
The functions and the various business roles are defined with clarity and exercised with a spirit of service and responsibility. The directing style is that of participation. Business objectives are shared and adequately verified in a transparent manner, paying particular attention to the quality of relationships between all subjects involved (stakeholders).
2. Orange: Relationships with clients, suppliers, financiers, civil society and external subjects
Business members commit with professionalism to build and reinforce good and open relationships with clients, suppliers and the territorial community in which they operate, of which creating and safeguarding the betterment of all parties are felt to be integral parts of the mission.
3. Yellow: Spirituality and ethics
The work of the EoC is seen as an opportunity for growth, not only professional, but also spiritual and ethical. The business commits itself to concretely respect laws. It behaves correctly towards fiscal authorities, control bodies, unions and institutional authorities. It knows that the quality of working life is a dimension essential for a person’s growth as a human being. Those who work in EoC businesses learn to give value also to difficulties and hardships in the workplace, making them precious occasions for growth and maturity. In defining the nature and quality of its products, the business is also committed to evaluate the effects of its products on the wellbeing of consumers and the environment.
4. Green: Quality of life, happiness and relationships
One of the fundamental objectives of an EoC business is to become a community. To this end, periodical meetings are programmed to verify the quality of interpersonal relationships and to contribute in resolving situations of conflict, availing themselves of so called ‘instruments’ of communion, among which the occasional meeting between administrators and workers (at least once a year), moments of ‘fraternal correction’ between all members of the business, a time for listening, on the part of managers to dissent and suggestions. If these instruments of communion are not exercised, business life is impoverished, with a cost to economic performance.
5. Blue: Harmony in the workplace
Beauty and harmony in the workplace are the first impression of an EoC business since communion is also beauty, without need for luxury but for simplicity. Hygiene, cleanliness, and orderliness are part of the EoC culture as the harmony they bring will put people like workers, proprietors, clients and suppliers at ease.
6. Indigo: Formation, instruction, wisdom
The business will favor the creation of a climate of confidence among its members, in which it is natural to bring one’s talents, ideas and competencies to the advancement of professional growth of colleagues and for further progress of the business itself.
7. Violet: Communication
Entrepreneurs adhering to the EoC work constantly to create a climate of communication that is open and sincere, one that will favor the exchange of ideas and information at all levels of responsibility.
Excerpts from Guidelines for conducting a business
However, rapidly gaining attention in the 21st Century is the way of doing business that goes under the name of the Economy of Communion.
This way of thinking is based of a schema of seven colours:
1. Red: Entrepreneurs, workers and business
The functions and the various business roles are defined with clarity and exercised with a spirit of service and responsibility. The directing style is that of participation. Business objectives are shared and adequately verified in a transparent manner, paying particular attention to the quality of relationships between all subjects involved (stakeholders).
2. Orange: Relationships with clients, suppliers, financiers, civil society and external subjects
Business members commit with professionalism to build and reinforce good and open relationships with clients, suppliers and the territorial community in which they operate, of which creating and safeguarding the betterment of all parties are felt to be integral parts of the mission.
3. Yellow: Spirituality and ethics
The work of the EoC is seen as an opportunity for growth, not only professional, but also spiritual and ethical. The business commits itself to concretely respect laws. It behaves correctly towards fiscal authorities, control bodies, unions and institutional authorities. It knows that the quality of working life is a dimension essential for a person’s growth as a human being. Those who work in EoC businesses learn to give value also to difficulties and hardships in the workplace, making them precious occasions for growth and maturity. In defining the nature and quality of its products, the business is also committed to evaluate the effects of its products on the wellbeing of consumers and the environment.
4. Green: Quality of life, happiness and relationships
One of the fundamental objectives of an EoC business is to become a community. To this end, periodical meetings are programmed to verify the quality of interpersonal relationships and to contribute in resolving situations of conflict, availing themselves of so called ‘instruments’ of communion, among which the occasional meeting between administrators and workers (at least once a year), moments of ‘fraternal correction’ between all members of the business, a time for listening, on the part of managers to dissent and suggestions. If these instruments of communion are not exercised, business life is impoverished, with a cost to economic performance.
5. Blue: Harmony in the workplace
Beauty and harmony in the workplace are the first impression of an EoC business since communion is also beauty, without need for luxury but for simplicity. Hygiene, cleanliness, and orderliness are part of the EoC culture as the harmony they bring will put people like workers, proprietors, clients and suppliers at ease.
6. Indigo: Formation, instruction, wisdom
The business will favor the creation of a climate of confidence among its members, in which it is natural to bring one’s talents, ideas and competencies to the advancement of professional growth of colleagues and for further progress of the business itself.
7. Violet: Communication
Entrepreneurs adhering to the EoC work constantly to create a climate of communication that is open and sincere, one that will favor the exchange of ideas and information at all levels of responsibility.
Excerpts from Guidelines for conducting a business