Incorporating a religious, especially a Christian, dimension
in our life is of immense value. Taking on board the spirit of the Bible, and that
of Jesus, sets us free of all the distortions in our view of what is true and
good and noble, and enables us to make decisions that, in reality, make our
life satisfying. Here is a valuable insight into this predicament that
confronts the well-being of Western society in particular:
Society, more and more, gives us license to be grandiose, to set ourselves up as the center and proudly announce that
publicly. Not only are we allowed today to get too big for our britches, we aren’t culturally admired unless we do assert ourselves in that way. And that’s a formula for jealousy, bitterness, and violence. Grandiosity and restlessness need healthy guidance both from the culture and from religion.
Today, we generally do not see that guidance. We are dangerously weak in inculcating into the consciousness of society, especially into the consciousness of the young, a number of vital human and religious truths: To God alone belongs the glory! In this life ultimately all symphonies remain unfinished. You are not the center of the earth. There is real sin! Selfishness is not a virtue! Humility is a virtue! You will only find life by giving it away! Other lives are as real as your own!
We have failed our youth by giving them unrealistic expectations, even as we are depriving them of the tools with which to handle those expectations.[] See also The Mess of the Post-Christian Age