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Stay together/Learn the flowers/Go light

Monday, 6 May 2024

Abortion: Reasoned discourse is imperative

It is heart-rending that reasoned discourse on abortion is often drowned in violent polemics or even sabotaged by violent gestures.

One of the most important things we can do, is to remind ourselves and others of just how complex this matter is, of what vulnerabilities are involved, of the responsibilities we carry. It is crucial to remember to see the subject from more than one angle. We need quietly authoritative statements like this one on YouTube by Andrea Bocelli. Or like David Scotton’s video account of meeting his birth mother in I Lived on Parker Avenue.

Andrea Bocelli. Photo: Ray Guselli

The family that would never have been - Andrea, Matteo and Virginia with Andrea’s wife Veronica and son Amos. Photo: Decca Records

💢 Read: The Implications of an Abortion Law Change, a critical moment for Norwegians and those in many other countries and federal states.

💢 Read: Why We're Pro-Life

💢 Thanks to Coram Fratribus, Choose Life.

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