Joseph Sciambra ... renounced homosexual activity out of disgust with what goes on Source |
They did disgusting things to each other, because, as gay journalist Randy Shilts said, “there was nobody to say no.” (
And the Band Played On pub.1987)
Another man who admits that as a wild young homosexual (born 1969) he did disgusting things is Joseph Sciambra. He is the mover and shaker behind an organisation that aims to rescue those 'who are still trapped within the homosexual lifestyle and within the false “gay” orientation'.
The practice of chastity and the exercise of courage is the challenge he offers. He knows that the men who accept the challenge must fight a spiritual battle to 'overcome all same-sex attractions and any persistent attachments to the homosexual or the “gay” orientation'. Sciambra is not asking others to do anything that he is not doing himself with regards living out a more human lifestyle.
Two principles by which his group operates are:
We acknowledge that homosexual acts are not part of God’s plan for nature, humanity, or ourselves.
We acknowledge that the homosexual inclination is a part of our wounded false-self that can be healed.
Sciambra presents strong arguments on why his group accepts that the homosexual inclination is sign of a wounded person, and of the need for counselling and support on the way toward healing. Here is one presentation of his arguments where he poses the question: Do I have to become straight?
In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. The American Psychological Association Council of Representatives followed in 1975. Thereafter other major mental health organizations followed, including the World Health Organization in 1990. Yet, before and since, evidence continues to determine that homosexuality is indeed a mental illness.
The way in which most contemporary researches get around this fact is by blaming the high rates of psychiatric morbidity in homosexuals to social and cultural homophobia, internalized homophobia, and overall that homosexuality and mental illnesses are unrelated with the unusual rates of serious psychological conditions seen in homosexuals as “possibly linked with discrimination.” Only, this supposition is categorically false, for in the Netherlands, the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage, in particular, gay men continue to exhibit a plethora of various mental disorders.*
* “Despite the Netherlands’ reputation as a world leader with respect to gay rights, homosexual Dutch men have much higher rates of mood disorders, anxiety disorders and suicide attempts than heterosexual Dutch men. Epidemiologists report similar disparities elsewhere in Western Europe and North America.”
“Exploring a Dutch paradox: an ethnographic investigation of gay men’s mental health.” Aggarwal S & Gerrets R. Culture, Health & Sexuality 16:105-119, 2014.
Part and parcel along with any authentic program of healing from same-sex attraction, there must be at least a cursory examination of any childhood trauma, neglect, or abuse that was experienced by the person now dealing with same-sex attraction. Because some have survived particularly intense or violent abuse as children, professional therapy is highly advised; others, with a different story, perhaps therapy is not as necessary.
Here, it is not that mental illness causes homosexuality, but that the oftentimes extreme difficulties which some men experienced as children, who later become same-sex attracted, will eventually exhibit various mental illnesses because homosexuality never fully resolves the unattended wounds; [the controversial] Dr. Joseph Nicolosi put it this way: homosexuality is a “symptomatic failure to integrate self-identity. Symptoms will always emerge to indicate its incompatibility with a man’s true nature.” Ultimately, the decision to seek therapy is up to the individual; although it is possible, outside of a clinical environment, to naturally experience a diminishing of same-sex desires, and, henceforth, to witness an increase in attraction towards the opposite sex. Reparative therapy, while extremely beneficial to many, is not for everyone.
Sciambra offers a range of studies into the reality of homosexual inclination:
⊝ “Of the 1285 gay, lesbian and bisexual respondents who took part, 556 (43%) had mental disorder as defined by the revised Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS-R). Out of the whole sample, 361 (31%) had attempted suicide…Gay, lesbian and bisexual men and women have high levels of mental disorder…”“Rates and predictors of mental illness in gay men, lesbians and bisexual men and women. Results from a survey based in England and Wales”. James Warner, et al. British Journal of Psychiatry 185, 479-485, 2004.
⊝ “LGB people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse, and deliberate self-harm than heterosexual people.”“A systematic review of mental disorder, suicide, and deliberate self-harm in lesbian, gay and bisexual people.” Michael King, et al. BMC Psychiatry 8:70, 2008.
⊝ “Self-reported identification as non-heterosexual (determined by both orientation and sexual partnership, separately) was associated with unhappiness, neurotic disorders overall, depressive episodes, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobic disorder, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts and acts, self-harm and alcohol and drug dependence.”
“Mental health of the non-heterosexual population of England.” Chakraborty A, et al. British Journal of Psychiatry 2011, Feb; 198(2):143-8.
⊝ “Gay/lesbian and bisexual respondents had higher levels of psychopathology than heterosexuals across all outcomes. Gay/lesbian respondents had higher odds of exposure to child abuse and housing adversity, and bisexual respondents had higher odds of exposure to child abuse, housing adversity, and intimate partner violence, than heterosexuals. Greater exposure to these adversities explained between 10 and 20% of the relative excess of suicidality, depression, tobacco use, and symptoms of alcohol and drug abuse among LGB youths compared to heterosexuals. Exposure to victimization and adversity experiences in childhood and adolescence significantly mediated the association of both gay/lesbian and bisexual orientation with suicidality, depressive symptoms, tobacco use, and alcohol abuse.”
“Disproportionate exposure to early-life adversity and sexual orientation disparities in psychiatric morbidity.” McLaughlin KA, et al. Child Abuse and Neglect. 2012 Sep; 36(9):645-55.
⊝ “Compared with heterosexual respondents, gay/lesbian and bisexual individuals experienced increased odds of six of eight and seven of eight adverse childhood experiences, respectively. Sexual minority persons had higher rates of adverse childhood experiences compared to their heterosexual peers.”
“Disparities in adverse childhood experiences among sexual minority and heterosexual adults: results from a multi-state probability-based sample.” Andersen JP, Blosnich J. PLoS One. 2013; 8(1):e54691.
⊝ “The studies reported childhood sexual abuse (CSA), childhood physical abuse (CPA), childhood emotional abuse (CEA), childhood physical neglect, and childhood emotional neglect. Items of household dysfunction were substance abuse of caregiver, parental separation, family history of mental illness, incarceration of caregiver, and witnessing violence. Prevalence of CSA showed a median of 33.5 % for studies using non-probability sampling and 20.7 % for those with probability sampling, the rates for CPA were 23.5 % (non-probability sampling) and 28.7 % (probability sampling). For CEA, the rates were 48.5 %, non-probability sampling, and 47.5 %, probability sampling. Outcomes related to SCE in LGBT populations included psychiatric symptoms, substance abuse, revictimization, dysfunctional behavioral adjustments, and others.”
“Stressful childhood experiences and health outcomes in sexual minority populations: a systematic review.” Schneeberger AR, et al. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2014 Sep; 49(9):1427-45.
⊝ “Among 287 participants, 211 (73.5%) reported experiencing [child physical abuse] CPA before the age of 17…”
“Association between Childhood Physical Abuse, Unprotected Receptive Anal Intercourse and HIV Infection among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men in Vancouver, Canada”. Arn J. Schilder, et al. PLoS One. 2014; 9(6): e100501.
⊝ “The research results indicate that, as compared with the group of heterosexual individuals, in the group of homosexuals there occurs a worsening in psychological functioning, which may be also manifested by an increased indirect self-destructiveness index. The increased intensity of indirect self-destructiveness in homosexual individuals may be considered a manifestation of worsened psychological functioning.”
“Indirect self-destructiveness in homosexual individuals.” Tsirigotis K, et al. Psychiatria polska. 2015 May-Jun; 49 (3): 543-57.
Read this essay by Sciambra about the "cruel" consequences of male homosexual activity. For instance:
I am constantly reminded of the excesses of my past. The bathroom has become a torture chamber. Basic biological functions are excruciating and painful [...] anal fissures, prolapses, and huge distended hemorrhoids.
The tendency towards acts of self-harm by those with a homosexual inclination—see the studies above—is borne out with in the case of Sebastian Köhn who describes his nightmare of suffering endured since picking up monkeypox during encounters with several men during New York City's Pride "festivities" in late June. It says a lot about the mentality of those caught up in the male homosexual lifestyle that though Köhn had worked in sexual health for a long time, he embarked on his wild weekend even though he knew monkeypox was spreading and the implications for homosexual men.
Köhn relates that having picked up monkeypox the outcome was this:
My [initial] anorectal lesions, which were already very painful, turned into open wounds. It felt like I had three fissures right next to each other, and it was absolutely excruciating. I would literally scream out loud when I went to the bathroom. Even keeping the area clean, like washing myself, was extremely painful. It was a two hour process each time.
One wishes Köhn a full recovery. However, given the latest wave of "fashionable" homosexuality in Western societies, and the propaganda machines behind that wave—Köhn works for George Soros' globally influential Open Society Foundations—many are the young people heading for significant degrees of harm along this route of deceit and irresponsibility, when all they are hoping for is entry into the broad society that will provide them with a sense of belonging and a balanced way of life. Each of us faces the challenge of accepting our personal responsibility in creating a society that protects our young people.
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