This space takes inspiration from Gary Snyder's advice:
Stay together/Learn the flowers/Go light

Monday, 3 July 2023

Jesus' relentless demand and liberating power

Something that makes the weekend my favourite time of the week is the expectation of another soul-searching Sunday sermon from Bishop Robert Barron of Minnesota in the US. This time he started with:
"There is no religious figure anywhere in the religions or philosophies of the world, none, who is stranger and more demanding, more relentless and more unnerving than Jesus."
His challenge this Sunday is to accept that Jesus is God, and to respond to Jesus' invitation to love him above everything and everyone. Further, Jesus' call is for us to be conformed to him, which means being Christ in our own environment, with the result that we bring the good news of God's personal love to all those with whom we share our lives.

Join in trying to grasp the import for each of us of the uniqueness of Jesus and his "marvellous" demands as Bishop Barron wonders at just how strange and stupendous Jesus is. From the beginning:
There is no religious figure anywhere in the religions or philosophies of the world, none, who is stranger and more demanding, more relentless and more unnerving than Jesus.

I’ll say that again. There is no guru, teacher, founder, nobody, who’s as strange and relentless as Jesus. And therefore the religion attached to Jesus is the strangest of them all.

Now, I’m going to put exhibit A to you today, and it’s from our Gospel, Matthew chapter 10.

Jesus says to his Apostles, listen, “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”

Okay, let me get this straight. So the most intense loves that we have—the love of a child for parents, the love for your mother, your father, or turn it around, the love of a parent for a child, maybe that’s even more intense.

The connection that a father will feel for a daughter or son. The mother’s intensity of love for her children, having both a kind of internal quality and an external obligation.

I mean, a parent would say, “Well, this is the most important obligation of my life… I’ll give my life to protect that child.”

Think of a little kid and their love for their parents, the intensity of that connection. Think of the external obligation in that sense, going from child to parent.

When the parent gets old and infirm and needy, and the children feel legitimately this extraordinary obligation to care for their parents.

Jesus is on purpose here summoning the most powerful affect that we have in us.

But then listen to it: “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter . . . is not worthy of me.”

Now, I submit to you, everybody, the Buddha would not say this. He wouldn’t. I mean, the Buddha has teachings for us, and he’d say, “Here’s the eightfold path, and I followed it and found happiness and you can too.”

Muhammad wouldn’t say this. He’d say, “I received this revelation from the angel, and I wrote it down. It’s the Quran.”

Moses wouldn’t say this. Confucius wouldn’t say this. Aristotle wouldn’t say it. Plato wouldn’t say it. I don’t know anybody in the philosophical or religious tradition who would say such a strange thing.

But Jesus says it: Your love for me personally has to go beyond the most intense loves of your life.

“I’d happily die for this child.” Yeah, but you need to love me more than that.

Now you see the point I’m making, and why I speak of the strangeness of Christianity.

This is every bit as high a Christology [study of the nature of Jesus as the Christ] as the prologue to John: “In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. The Word was God.. . .  The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”

We say, yeah, John’s telling us that Jesus is God. Well, Jesus is saying the same thing here, just using a somewhat different rhetorical style and symbol system.

I mean, who is the one who should be loved beyond the most intense loves you possibly have? Well, God, only God.

“Oh, Jesus, he’s a very interesting teacher. Boy, I find him a fascinating moral exemplar.” Well, that’s completely out of step with this.

You might imagine a teacher saying, “Unless you love the God that I speak of . . . , unless you love the teaching that I offer . . . .”

But he wouldn’t say this unless he himself in person were the highest good.

Let me say that again. He wouldn’t say this unless he himself in person were the very highest good.

That’s what’s at stake in Christianity. That’s what’s at stake. You can’t be neutral about this, which is precisely why the same Jesus says “the one who’s not with me is against me. Either you gather with me or you scatter.”

You have to make a decision about Jesus. That’s what he’s telling us here. This is the ethical correlate to the claim that Jesus is divine.

Okay, so you’re saying, “All right, that’s a lot to deal with. That’s a lot to take in.”

Well, he doesn’t let up. Listen as he goes on: “Whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.”

Okay, so you’re telling me I have to love you, Lord, more than I love my own children, more than I love my own parents.

Mm-hm. That’s what I mean. That’s exactly what I mean.

And now you’re saying, unless you take up your cross every day and follow me, you’re not worthy of me.

Mm-hm. I want you to see something. Obviously, we now associate the cross, taking up the cross, with suffering, accepting the pain of life and doing so with equanimity and blitheness of spirit.

Yeah, but that’s not what he’s saying here. Like hey, when bad things happen, offer it up to God and accept it in a patient spirit.

That’s not what he’s saying. He’s saying, unless you “take up your cross.” Take up your cross. In other words, seek it out on your own. You do it. Don’t just accept it given to you from the outside. You take up the cross.

What does he mean now? Well, just as Jesus took up his cross so that he might bear the sins of the world and thereby take them away, just as he suffered the death that we were owed, just as he bore our burdens, so we are actively to bear the burdens of others.

Again, I get it [that it’s a hard saying].

Suffering happens to all of us willy-nilly, and yes indeed, we should always accept it in an attitude of patience and accepting God’s will, etc., but that’s not what he’s talking about.

He means: You who follow me, you who love me more than you love your own children, you need every day to bear other people’s burdens and to do so actively. Seek out opportunities to bear the burden of somebody else.

What if you were to begin your day that way?

Instead of saying, “Okay, how am I going to make more money today or become more popular today or become more successful today?” Instead of asking those questions, ask, “Where is someone right now who’s carrying a burden around, and what can I do to lighten it? Whose cross can I pick up the way Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry his cross?”

Hey, do you love me more than your own children? Yeah, I do, Lord. I’m trying to anyway. I’m trying to.

Okay, okay. Here’s the test: Are you willing every day to do this? Because if you don’t, you’re actually not worthy of me.

I’m saying it on purpose that way just to show how dramatic this is, how dramatic this is. The marvelous demand that Jesus places upon us to do what he did, to bear the burdens of others.

Now, listen to how this is summed up: “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

That’s the law of spiritual physics. What does it mean to ‘find your life’?

It means I’m going to get it. I’m going to grab it, make it my own. I’m going to fill up my emptiness with all these goods of the world. I’m going to find my life.

Think of how many voices you know around you who say, I made my way; I made my fortune; I established my career.

Yeah, okay, okay, okay. That’s called having your life, finding your life.

What’s going to happen? You’ll lose that. It’ll be frittered away.

But the one who “loses his life for my sake”—what’s that mean? That means the person who willingly bears the burdens of others out of love. He’ll find his life. He’ll find his life.

That’s a formula, everybody.

Love Jesus more than you love your own parents, children, and life, and then do what Jesus did, bear people’s burdens, and you’ll actually find your life.

There it is, Matthew chapter 10. You want the whole spiritual life in all of its relentless demand and liberating power? There’s where you’ll find it.

Unless you love me more than your mother, your father, your son, your daughter, your very life, you’re not worthy of me.

As far as I’m concerned, everything else in Christianity is a footnote to that.

Take time to go  to listen again to the sermon on YouTube in order to thrive on the journey through life that God set before us when he became human.  

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Friday, 30 June 2023

Critical Theory: Intolerant of all except capitalism

David Rieff is a journalist and writer. He is the author, among others, of In Praise of Forgetting: Historical Memory and Its Ironies. In his Desire and Fate newsletter he invites the reader to note well how the mainstream mindset is opposed to respect for our human capability to reason, which lets the capitalist elite ride above its obligation to effect economic equality.  Rieff writes:
Sui generis. The cultural revolution sweeping across much of the rich world, with its mix of authoritarian subjectivity most radically expressed by the conviction that human beings are whatever they feel themselves to be, and by a kind of lumpen Rousseauism in which what are now called indigenous ways of seeing are taken to be at least reason’s equal and by many progressives reason’s superior, is without serious precedent.

To be sure, many of its elements have obvious antecedents. Here are four of them: Communism’s ambition to create a new kind of human being; the Chinese Cultural Revolution’s demonization of the past yoked to an insistence that people express their repudiation of it publicly; the old European fantasy that pre-modern societies were fundamentally morally innocent; and the therapeutic revolution as popularized (obviously, what Freud originally had in mind was something else entirely), fetishized an imperial self that deserved fulfillment just because it was a self, and insisted that if the story one told about oneself couldn’t be realized then one had been cheated by one oppressive order or another.

What is new is the synthesis: two seemingly incompatible world views ‒ radical individualism and the radical communitarianism we rather unsatisfactorily call identity politics ‒ easily coexisting within the same utopian narrative. But what also sets it apart is what, despite a certain amount of Marxist boilerplate that flies about in the Academe, is its absolute intolerance of everything ‒ White Supremacy, Patriarchy, heteronormativity, etc., etc. ‒ except for capitalism.

As long as the business community doffs it cap to the new cultural dispensation ‒ non-white people suddenly predominating in advertising, Pride flags at the entrances to the office towers of Fortune 500 companies, it can continue its merry way, as indeed it is doing. The woke may or may not be getting wonkier, but the rich certainly are getting richer ‒ a lot richer, in fact. This is how you can square what at first appears to be a circle: the demonization of traditional Western high culture and the most permissive attitude imaginable toward the inequalities of class.

[It's now] a world in which it is deemed worse to be offended linguistically  ‒ misgendered, micro-aggressed, traumatized by a book written in 1823 because it doesn’t have the same attitudes as yours in 2023  ‒ than to be deprived materially. What this means is that nothing in this cultural revolution will ever likely affect corporate bottom lines. The corporations understand this perfectly, of course, hence the velocity with which, much to the consternation of most of the political right, they tried on the motley of woke and found it roomy and comfortable, and fit them very well.

 The only exception to this are the radical environmentalists. Their anti-capitalism is absolutely genuine, but that is because it is the anti-capitalism of fear. When these eco-warriors glue their hands to famous paintings, or throw soup over them, their cri de coeur is to demand how people can care more about great art than the fact that the planet is burning. A woke demonstration in a gallery with great Western paintings in it (though there would be no need for one, the curators would invite them with enthusiasm and excitement) would instead deprecate the art, highlighting its links to settler colonialism, the slave trade, and the rest. And their audience, wallowing in the sheer deliciousness of their own performative virtue signaling, would be delighted, whereas when the radical Greens come calling, they are denounced as vandals.

As doubtless they are. But at least they are focused on their understanding, whether mistaken or not (in this context it makes no difference), of the factual realities of the climate crisis. They are hysterics of the fact. And the cultural revolutionaries? They are the hysterics of their feelings. It should come as no surprise, then, as to who is being tolerated, well-feted, indulged and deferred to, and who is not.

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Thursday, 29 June 2023

Hope looms larger than the crisis - Andy Byrd

 A letter from Andy Byrd

To the young, the wild, and the free! To the Jesus-following, Bible-loving Holy Spirit-empowered! To the compassionate, the zealous, and the servant-hearted! To the teary-eyed, the joy-filled and gritty! Now is your time! Your hour is upon you to rise up, to lead, to serve, and to lift your voices.

Some would say the crisis is insurmountable. Some would say the decline of morals has gone too far to ever recover. Many would say that secularization has virtually removed Christ from society. But those voices don't know our God. And those voices have not met you...yet.  

In the crisis hope is rising to a tipping point where the hope looms larger than the crisis. At that point volunteerism arises. A generation says, "Pick me! I will take responsibility for a mess I didn't cause. I will go. I will love. Why? Because our hope is bigger than their crisis. Our stone bigger than the giant. The trumpet blast more powerful than the fortified walls. A faithful remnant larger than a massive army." 

Hope can't be underestimated. You, surrendered to Christ, can't be underestimated.

The nations burn in our hearts! To the ends of the earth for love written on our very souls! No place too far, no journey too difficult, and no heart too hard! All are worth it! He is worth it! We are unashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power to save! And we live for a dream on His heart! That every tribe, tongue, and nation would worship before His throne. 

His dream is our dream, and our lives are His! 

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IVF: just part of the fertility industry

What about the kids who don't make it through the process?
Children are a gift. Tragically, IVF turns them into a product to be created, sold and discarded, writes Lila Rose, adding that a new satirical video is casting light on the dark and deadly reality of the fertility industry. See it here.

Rose gives a graphic account of the typical in vitro fertilization process that should make all but the most brazen person/couple think again about what length they will go to in order to attempt to have a baby:

How does IVF work?

First, multiple eggs are fertilized. These new human beings are ranked based on arbitrary criteria and only the “best” are chosen.

The rest of these babies will be destroyed, stored in a deep freeze indefinitely, or sent to a lab for experimentation purposes.

After this eugenic selection, multiple babies are implanted into a womb, either the egg donor’s or a surrogate’s.

IVF can result in triples, quadruplets, or in one case, octuplets implanting. “Selective Reduction” (abortion) is then used to reach the desired number of babies. 

In many cases, surrogate mothers have been legally required to abort the babies they are carrying because the parents decided they didn’t want the child after all.

These mothers are treated as rented wombs ‒ mere equipment used to grow a product. 

In the U.S., an estimated 1 million human lives are frozen, some for as long as 25 years. Many are abandoned by their parents. 

Others are donated to science — used in genetic engineering, stem cell research, and drug experimentation.

Eugenics, "selective reduction", surrogacy, forced abortion and the commoditization of human life are pillars of the fertility industry.

This issue is another of those matters of ethical or moral decision-making where we have to look beyond the declaration "We can do it! Put your money down here!" to the more thoughtful "Should we enter into this kind of process?"

Even though the resulting outcome is to not have a child of one's own, there is the ethical path of fostering and adopting a child in need of parents. Fortunately, the love the infertile couple wish to share can be transferred to that child in need of care.

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Friday, 23 June 2023

Secular world rings 'hollow and empty'

It's a question of 'Where to go from here?' Photo Angelo Duranti
Some observations from a Norwegian man, Matthias Ledum, speaking about the consequences of changes in religious practice in his region, which takes in Sweden, Denmark and Finland. It struck me that he could have been talking about much of the WEIRD world. He says:

The trend for a long time has been a strong secularization and a growing irreligiosity. However, I see more and more people feeling hollow and empty after having tried the postmodern atheistic, relativistic and materialistic project, leaving them unsatisfied and hungry for meaning and purpose, for something greater and deeper. Neither money, career, fame nor hedonism have been able to give them the happiness and peace they all seek.

The Catholic Church’s great philosophical and theological intellectual tradition might also be a place of refuge for people living in a world where subjective truths are idolized and people are canceled for not having the right subjective truths. In the Catholic Church, they find not only that there is such a thing as objective truth, but also that Truth itself has a name and a face.

Here's a snippet of Nordic history from the same source:

The beginning of religiosity in the Nordic countries can be traced back to pre-Christian Norse paganism, which lasted until the 12th century. Thanks to the missionary efforts of St. Ansgar and English missionaries, and even the Vikings, who were converted to Catholicism during their travels, Denmark was first Christianized in A.D. 965 followed by Norway in the 11th century and Sweden in the 12th century. Finally, thanks to the  Swedish Crusades in the 12th and 13th centuries, the Catholic Church became established in Finland.

Until the reformation in the 16th century, Catholicism blossomed in the Nordic countries. The heroic lives and martyrdoms of the Nordic saints — King Olaf  of Norway, King Erik of Sweden, King Knut of Denmark and Bishop Henrik of Finland — all  bear witness to this. 

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Monday, 19 June 2023

Euthanasia call rehearses Hitler's decrees

"She did not want to be hugged or kissed. Her family felt they had lost her." Portrait Source

The Washington Post recently ran this story: "A catatonic woman awakened after 20 years. Her story may change psychiatry."

In no way was this woman comatose, in any kind of a vegetative state, but the trend in many countries ‒ Canada is the most controversial example at present ‒ is for those with a mental illness to be dealt with by recourse to physician-assisted death even though it is a nonterminal condition. The point is that this woman might not have survived if her's was an unloving family and a vigorous euthanasia regime had taken hold.

According to one survey in the United States, being politically liberal and not religious gives rise to greater support for PAD-nonterminal cases in a variety of circumstances for the patient. Isn't this the trend in the world generally? The key element for decision-making was "quality of life" - the “perceived discrepancy between the reality of what a person has and the concept of what the person wants, needs, or expects” (Source). A materialistic outlook, holding there is no meaning in life beyond possessions  and a high status as determined by others.

It is easy to transpose the reactions of a family with a member who survives in an indeterminate vegetative state in deciding to end the life of that member to the reactions of a family with a member in a long-term mentally disabling state in requesting a physician to end that member's life.

"April was unable to recognize, let alone engage with, her family. She did not want to be touched, hugged or kissed. Her family felt they had lost her." - The Washington Post.

A deeply relevant excerpt from a chapter in a 2022 book Bioethics and the Holocaust makes the point that mindset common within the present culture is markedly of a kindred kind to that under the cultural hegemony of the Nazis:

Today, physician-assisted suicide and/or euthanasia are legal in several European countries, Canada, several jurisdictions in the United States and Australia, and may soon become legal in many more jurisdictions. While traditional Hippocratic and religious medical ethics have long opposed these practices, contemporary culture and politics have slowly weakened opposition to physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. 

Our chapter examines how assisted suicide and euthanasia have been presented in cinema, one of the most powerful influences on culture, by Nazi propagandists during the German Third Reich and by Western filmmakers since the end of World War II.

Almost all contemporary films about assisted suicide and euthanasia, including six winners of Academy Awards, promote these practices as did Ich klage an (I Accuse) (1941), the best and archetypal Nazi feature film about euthanasia. The bioethical justifications of assisted suicide or euthanasia in both Ich klage an and contemporary films are strikingly similar: showing mercy; avoiding fear and/or disgust; equating loss of capability with loss of a reason to live; enabling self-determination and the right-to-die; conflating voluntary with involuntary and nonvoluntary euthanasia; and casting opposition as out-of-date traditionalism.

Economics and eugenics, two powerful arguments for euthanasia during the Third Reich, are not highlighted in Ich klage an and are only obliquely mentioned in contemporary cinema. One dramatic difference in the cinema of the two periods is the prominence of medical professionals in Ich klage an and their conspicuous absence in contemporary films about assisted suicide and euthanasia. A discussion of the medical ethos of the two time periods reveals how cinema both reflects and influences the growing acceptance of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

 A point to take from that statement is how the cultural elite can direct social attitudes, as we see occurring in the push toward widespread acceptance of euthanasia. 

Two films in the category discussed above, Amour (2012) and Million-Dollar Baby (2004), were sympathetic to euthanasia wherein both involved the murder on falsely based compassionate grounds of those deemed a victim of a loss of quality of life, but both instances were also intellectually dishonest. In the first, the elderly couple could have sought quality medical services such as a hospice; in the second, the death of a young woman was presented as the only supportive option, whereas, in fact, her immediate distress would most likely have turned to acceptance and the determination to make the best of the situation, given the character of that "heroine". 

The terminology in this realm of human regression ‒ the only honest way of looking at the movement afoot ‒ is indicative of the threat to a God-less modern society:

Nonvoluntary euthanasia refers to the intentional termination of the life of a patient who lacks decision-making capacity, such as a child or a mentally incompetent adult, with either parental, guardian, or family concurrence or the presumptive consent of the patient. Involuntary euthanasia refers to the intentional termination of the life of a patient who objects, or whose loved ones object.

The authors of the Holocaust excerpt also point out that "withholding life-saving measures (sometimes confusingly dubbed “passive euthanasia”) should not be confused with either physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia". They note that in ethically appropriate cases of forgoing life-saving measures the intention is to avoid placing an excessive burden on the patient, to avoid dangerous or extraordinary actions, or any disproportionate to the expected outcome, which is imminent death. Here, one does not will to cause death; one’s inability to impede it is merely accepted. There is also the factor of acting to treat the patient's condition, such as a terminal patient in extreme pain, where the goal is not to end the life of the patient, even if death can be anticipated on account of the treatment, and this is according to the principle in ethics of double effect.

Hitler's stamp of approval

Once again referring to the chapter in Bioethics and the Holocaust, we are provided with the description of a book that was influential as Nazism took hold in Germany. The authors of the Holocaust text share this information:

In 1920, lawyer Karl Binding and psychiatrist Alfred Hoche wrote a short influential book The Permission to Annihilate Life Unworthy of Living. They argued that some lives were not worth living and promoted beneficent voluntary and nonvoluntary euthanasia for selected patients with incurable physical and/or mental disorders. Among their arguments in favor of euthanasia, two stand out. First, they argued that a higher morality should replace Western religions’ moral imperative to preserve life:

There was a time, now considered barbaric, in which eliminating those who were born unfit for life, or who later became so, was taken for granted. Then came the phase, continuing into the present, in which, finally, preserving every existence, no matter how worthless, stood as the highest moral value. A new age will arrive—operating with a higher morality and with great sacrifice—which will actually give up the requirements of an exaggerated humanism and overvaluation of mere existence. (Binding and Hoche 1920)

Binding and Hoche also dismissed longstanding Hippocratic ethical objections to euthanasia: “The young physician enters practice without any legal delineation of his rights and duties-especially regarding the most important points. Not even the Hippocratic Oath, with its generalities, is operative today” (1920).

While imprisoned in 1924 for his failed Munich putsch, Hitler read Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre und Rassenhygiene (Human Heredity and Racial Hygiene) by Erwin Baur, Eugen Fischer, and Fritz Lenz (1921), the holder of the first chair in eugenics in Germany. The ideas in this book may well have provided Hitler with the basic substrate for the strange concoction of eugenics, anti-Semitism, politics, and violence that led Lifton (1986, 27) to describe National Socialism as a “biocracy.”

Hitler relied heavily on physicians to annihilate “life unworthy of life.” He told attendees at a 1929 Nazi Physicians’ League meeting that, if necessary, he could do without builders, engineers, and lawyers but that “you, you National Socialist doctors, I cannot do without you for a single day, not a single hour. If not for you, if you fail me, then all is lost. For what good are our struggles, if the health of our people is in danger?” (Proctor 1988, 64). In the same year, at the Nuremberg Party rally, Hitler praised Sparta’s policy of selective infanticide as a model policy (Welch 1983, 121).

 Because physicians were pioneers, not pawns, in eugenics and euthanasia, they responded positively to Hitler’s flattery, incentives for academic and economic advancement, and opportunities to exercise power and gain prestige in his program of “Applied Biology” (Proctor 1988, 7). They willingly and enthusiastically chose to eliminate Jews from medicine, involuntarily sterilize nearly 400,000 German citizens to prevent transmission of their allegedly inferior genes, prohibit marriage and sexual relations between Aryans and non-Aryans, and, ultimately, murder nearly 200,000 people whose lives were considered not worth living.

The Nazi euthanasia programs began with an autonomous request directly from a family to Adolf Hitler to euthanize their child, Gerhard Herbert Kretschmar, who was blind, epileptic, physically disabled, and diagnosed as an “idiot”—it was approved (Schmidt 2002, 241–242). The Reich Committee for the Scientific Registration of Serious Hereditary and Constitutional Illnesses was created to secretly oversee the Children’s Euthanasia Program that claimed the lives of 5,000–7,000 children between 1939 and 1945 in 30 special children’s wards, most often by a nurse administering an overdose of tranquilizers (Hohendorf 2020a, 63–65).

The adult euthanasia program began in 1939 with the required registration of almost all patients in nursing homes and neuropsychiatric hospitals. The registration forms were sent to the recently formed Charitable Foundation for Institutional Care located at Hitler’s Chancellery whose address was Tiergartenstrasse 4, hence the name Aktion T4 for the adult euthanasia program. Three psychiatric experts reviewed the forms without examining the patients, and, together with the medical director of Aktion T4, initially psychiatrist Werner Hyde and, later, psychiatrist Paul Nitsche, selected which institutionalized patients were to be killed, primarily those deemed unable to do productive work and all Jews (Hohendorf 2020a, 65).

Patients selected for euthanasia were transported by the Charitable Society for the Transportation of the Sick from one transit institutions to another to obfuscate the program’s true purpose and to obscure the patients’ location from their families. Finally, the patients arrived at one of six killing centers in Germany and Austria where they were killed by physicians in gas chambers designed by physicians, chemists, and engineers according to Viktor Brack’s motto, “the syringe belongs in the hand of the physician” (Lifton 1986, 71; Sulmasy 2020, 229). Physicians then fabricated a cause of death for the death certificate that was sent to the patients’ families.

Significant public opposition to Aktion T4 arose after Clemens Count von Galen, the Bishop of Münster, addressed the issue of nonvoluntary euthanasia in an August 1941 sermon, which led to the end of the gassing but not the killing (Lifton 1986, 39). Some medical directors of institutions other than the six killing centers had already been starving their patients to death, and soon many more institutions were killing their patients by starvation, tranquilizers, neglect, exposure, and untreated infections in what was termed wild euthanasia (Hohendorf 2020a, 67). Nazi documents confirm 70,273 murders in the six killing centers, and the estimated number of murders during the period of decentralized euthanasia is between 90,000 and 130,000 (Friedlander 1995, 151–163).

The medical procedure for euthanizing large numbers of disabled persons in gas chambers became the preferred technique to implement “The Final Solution.” The bridge from gas chambers for eugenic euthanasia to gas chambers for mass murder was Operation (or “Special Treatment”) 14f13 (Lifton 1986, 135). Experienced Aktion T4 psychiatrists were enlisted to select “asocial” patients from concentration camps for “special treatment” in gas chambers at a euthanasia center, which “widened indefinitely the potential radius of medicalized killing” (Lifton 1986, 136). Thus, after considering several potential methods for the mass murder of Europe’s Jews, the Nazis chose gas chambers because “the technical apparatus already existed for the destruction of the mentally ill” (Proctor 1988, 207). Physicians like Josef Mengele, the “Angel of Death” at Auschwitz, selected and gassed many of the 4,500,000 Jews considered undesirable or useless. 

An appeal to doctors of our time

A similar mentality is abroad these days: 

Public Health Scotland on June 1 reported that there has been an 84% increase in the number of abortions where a baby has Down syndrome, from 32 in 2021 to 59 in 2022. 

Overall, the number of abortions recorded in Scotland in 2022 was the highest number ever on record. The national statistics on abortion revealed an increase of 2,659 abortions — equal to 19.08% — in one year, with the number of abortions increasing from 13,937 in 2021 to 16,596 in 2022. Abortions are allowed only in the first 13 weeks of a baby's life.

The agency stated that abortion rates rose sharply in both the deprived areas and in the least deprived areas, but...

Socioeconomic inequality widened in the last ten years in Scotland: termination rates for those living in the most deprived areas are now more than double that of those living in the least deprived areas.

Societies certainly have to take more responsibility in the care of mothers and babies. Similarly, end-of-life decisions are bound to follow those relating to seeking an abortion as a solution to personal predicaments. To waylay such "inhumanity to man", adequate care of the elderly and incapacitated is a social imperative. 

But to continue with the theme of how a mentality of acceptance of euthanasia and worse takes hold of a society, the chapter from Bioethics and the Holocaust we are studying has a comprehensive overview of euthanasia in the contemporary West. It makes shocking reading as the horrors of the European and American eugenics movement are seen to be coming to pass in our own time, including the incidence of “termination of life without an explicit request”. Once again, here is the link to the chapter

The authors of this study give an explanation as to why they chose cinema as the focus for studying the change in social attitudes to euthanasia. What they say bout the relationship between cinema and the medical profession has horrendous implications for public safety, but which is being borne out in the medical profession's capitulation to activism in support of the unscientific transgender ideology. They write:

We have chosen in this essay to highlight the ways in which film presents assisted suicide and euthanasia. Understanding history is important, understanding the impact of culture on medical practice may be more important still. The medical ethos—the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of patients, health care professionals, medical organizations, or medical institutions—is derived from three interacting factions: medicine, culture, and government (Roelcke 2016, 183). In Western democratic countries, we contend that the cinema is one of the most powerful influences on culture, and therefore, is very influential in determining the medical ethos.

And they write: 

Film was one of the National Socialist government’s most effective propagandistic media. Contemporary cinema, likewise, is a powerful cultural medium that encourages simple solutions to complex and emotional end-of-life dilemmas and has promoted assisted suicide and euthanasia in many films including six Oscar winners. 

The authors conclude their study with an appeal to all practitioners in the medical field:

Western culture and governments are well along in the process of discarding three millennia of traditional Judeo-Christian medical ethics and two millennia of Hippocratism. Films both reflect the culture and help to shape it. Contemporary films regarding PAS and euthanasia, like their progenitors in the Nazi era, dismiss traditional medical ethics and, using strikingly similar arguments, present a new ethic. One result of this change in ethics is that today, as in mid-century Germany, we are witnessing a not-so-subtle “shift in emphasis in the basic attitude of the physicians” (Alexander 1949, 44). These changes are generating an ever-increasing demand for and supply of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.

We conclude by encouraging physicians to seriously engage with the questions raised by the striking similarity between Nazi and contemporary cinematic portrayals of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. This similarity is not a coincidence. It is not an accident. It should be a warning to all of Western society and a call for physicians to take a stand and speak up for the benefit of the medical ethos, the medical profession, and, vitally, all their patients.

Two key phrases:  “termination of life without an explicit request”, which sounds so anodyne; and the concept of a "strong" versus "weak" medical profession, with the Western experience being that the profession's braying of its scientific professionalism is betrayed at just about every test.

NOTE: Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo has vetoed state law SB 239. which would have legalized assisted suicide in the state. Lombardo said assisted suicide is “unnecessary” due to improvements in palliative care and pain management. 

 See also: 

When Is It Morally Acceptable to Forego Life-sustaining Treatments?

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Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Baby brings overwhelming happiness

A baby is born:

“We felt overwhelmed with happiness and there were a few tears of joy. It’s a truly special moment holding your baby for the first time and one we’ll never forget.”

Expressing those sentiments is Tania Tapsell, the mayor of  Rotorua, a city in my homeland, New Zealand, who delivered a daughter at the public hospital.

“Home is where the heart is just got a whole new meaning,” she said in a public announcement. “We’re looking forward to making the most of these first few weeks before I return to my duties as mayor and [husband Kanin Clancy] takes on the important duties of full-time daddy.” 

Tapsell said the pair “wanted a unique name” that honoured their daughter’s Māori heritage while also acknowledging how special she was to them.

The baby's name is Kahumoa, which translates as “most distinguished cloak” and came from the words kakahu (cloak) and the moa bird, which Tapsell said was the most distinguished species of bird during its time. The moa, an ostrich sized bird, became extinct about 800 years ago because of human hunting.

... Just a human interest story of new life for child and parents.

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