This space takes inspiration from Gary Snyder's advice:
Stay together/Learn the flowers/Go light

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

A meditation on the Our Father

Abba, Father - our Mother, too
Creator, beyond this world
Giver of life, with us here and now
Thank you
You are whole, all holy, the truth, the good, the beautiful, happiness in full
May your kingdom enrapture our universe
May the whole world do your will so there is no more war and hunger
Give us what we need to live each day
We place our trust in you
Forgive us as we don't live the way you have made us to
And help us forgive those who offend us
Rescue us when we are tempted
Turn us from sin and keep us on the way that leads to you
We pray in confidence with your Son and the Spirit
For you are the Lord of power and might
of love and light
now and forever

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