This space takes inspiration from Gary Snyder's advice:
Stay together/Learn the flowers/Go light

Friday, 8 November 2013

Mapping the myth of over-population

Source: redditor valeriepieris
The stunning information given in the picture becomes more amazing when it is recognised that the circle contains more water than land, and within it is the world's most sparsely populated country, Mongolia. Comments on the significance of this graphic's information are made here and here.
Then at Treehugger, we have a series of illustrations with the article 'At NY City's Density, the World's Population Could Live in Texas'.
The figures in the chart are for the area of land in the state of Texas. Another 2.5 per cent of the state is water
Source: By Tim De Chant as found here
Whether the world has enough space for everyone has aroused many imaginations as to the prospect of over-population. However, we can see for ourselves that this fear should be quelled. On the other hand, though it is well recognised that the world has the ability to feed all of humanity and adequately care for all, the latent willingness to attend to the difficulties of the poorest has not been converted into worldwide action. That is the next human project, one where everyone can play a part, especially in those buying habits where cheapest equals best or high profit margins means justice has been done.

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