This space takes inspiration from Gary Snyder's advice:
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Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Homosexuality at war: An overview

Just about every day we get statistics that signal how a morass of depression and anxiety is entrapping our next generations because of the fallacies we have largely accepted under pressure from an elite of academia and mainstream news media, and from our own wishful thinking in which personal desire is the guiding principle.

This is the case for sure from WEIRD societies—Western, educated, industrialised, rich, democratic—and the latest example is from the Australian state of Victoria: 

Dr Ken Pang, an associate professor at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, says a sharp increase in the number of people seeking gender support means resources are stretched.

"In Victoria in 2011, there were just over 10 new referrals to the Royal Children's Hospital of young people aged under 18; in 2020, a decade later, that number was just under 500, and last year in 2021 it was over 800," Dr Pang says. 

"It is little wonder that gender clinics are struggling to keep up with demand."  

He adds:  "[...] unfortunately many of these young people struggle with depression and anxiety."

But society presses on down this avenue of political correctness. The headline on the Australian story is telling, as it points to the work being done to cultivate an excitement about the realm of queerness. It says: "Young Australians are exploring gender more than ever before". It's not hard to know why. The media salivate over anything to do with homosexuality and with sexuality in general. Social media pushes this for clickbait and naïve youngsters get entrapped.  

Because academia is aggressively full of it, schools roll out what the elite regards as cool but also as a matter of justice, such is the warped nature of the whole business, especially as parents are shunted aside and teachers and their ilk compete to signal their virtue. For example:

The educator says she will talk to these little kids about trans issues, about condoms, about porn, all kinds of things. As Rod Dreher puts it:

This is us. This is who we are today. The family is being dissolved. Male and female are being dissolved. The individual human personality is being dissolved.


The issue goes wider

The head of MI6, the CIA of Britain, publicly stated that the most fundamental difference between the West and Putin is over the way we regard LGBT. [...] You can mock the Russian Orthodox patriarch for saying that this war is about LGBT, but the top spy in the UK has done the same thing, in terms of framing the war as a moral crusade.

The central fact of the matter is this:

The LGBT struggle is a civilizational war. This is a war within the West; people like Joe Biden, as well as the educational profession, the media, and nearly all the institutions in Western society, are making war on families and children, and on traditional Christianity (and any religion that doesn’t affirm homosexuality and gender ideology).

In the West, those who hold to an anthropology that directly contradicts what Christianity and natural law teach about the meaning of sexuality, are winning. A recent poll found that 21 percent of Generation Z considers itself to be LGBT or Q. [...] We have an entire generation that American popular culture and institutions have convinced that their sexual identity is fluid, and should be infinitely explored. They are psychologically crippling these people — and in many cases, maiming them for life.

If you haven’t yet, you should read this incredible story by Helena, a detransitioner who writes about how she was convinced that she was trans, but later changed her mind. An excerpt:

My name is Helena, and as of this writing I’m a 23-year-old woman who, as a teenager, believed I was transgender. In the years since detransitioning (stopping testosterone treatment and no longer seeing myself as transgender), I’ve become interested in exploring why, in the last decade, nearly every English-speaking country has seen a meteoric rise in adolescents believing they are transgender and pursuing cosmetic medical and surgical interventions. Here, I’d like to go over how and why I came to see myself as transgender, the process of transitioning, and the events leading up to and following my detransition.

Helena continues:

So-called “gender dysphoria” [...] is now most commonly diagnosed in teenage girls. Activists will argue that these explosive numbers are a result of increased societal acceptance, and that at long last trans people are coming out of hiding and living as their authentic selves. If this were true, one might expect to see comparable rates of transgender identity across all age groups and between both sexes, but its disproportionately adolescent females feeling that warm and fuzzy inclusive acceptance.   

Dreher captures precisely where Western society is at:

[S]o central has LGBT liberation become in the hearts and minds of Westerners that any resistance to it is seen as HATE; we are conditioned to regard any objection at all as an expression of raw bigotry that under no circumstances can be seen as reasonable.

Last year I lived in Budapest for three or four months, and made occasional trips to western Europe — France, Spain, Austria — on book tour business. Each time, it was a shock to me to see how ubiquitous rainbow flags and the like were. Walking down a boulevard in Valencia, one of the biggest cities of Spain, I saw banners hung by the city government proclaiming that “in Valencia, women can have penises, and men can have vaginas.”
That is morally insane — but this kind of thing is everywhere. Even a conservative like me had become numb to it … until I spent time in Hungary, where things are different. Where homosexuality is seen as a fact of life, but not something ideological, and not as a weapon of culture war, as it is regarded in Western societies. 

I have quoted extensively from journalist and author Rod Dreher because I respect him for the clarity of thought he has on this matter, enabled by the width of the views he taps to interpret what is happening—in the US, in the West generally, and around the world. With the valuable resources he has available and the high quality of his sources, he can argue convincingly that it's not a nebulous aggregation of individuals that is being hurt by this culture war, but the families, and young people, and communities he knows. 

There is a metaphysical conflict raging, it is a civilizational war, promoted by an elite that has accepted the philosophical distortions arising from those who have discarded the life source of the Christian religion and of a personal relationship with God. Even with the West's "social fabric increasingly shadowed by drugs and depression and suicide", to quote New York Times columnist Ross Douthat, it presses on with a depressingly Marxist style of intolerance. 

It's not a happy place to be in. Each person has to find the strength to safeguard themselves and their family from the ravages of this war around us that is just as real as that in Ukraine. 

💢 Read this: The West, still declining  Rod Dreher goes to the heart of society's weakness

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