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Monday, 17 July 2023

Natural Law: Light to save our kids

Young people are the most affected by the fluidity of life promoted by those at the commanding heights of WEIRD culture, whether in North America, Europe or in those nations that have succumbed to the new colonization in the form of the antihuman ideologies thrust upon us.

The ideological propaganda is not always overt as the media and the education system from kindergarten to college do not challenge but rather promote the latest fashionable lines that the young must sing. And so we have  far-reaching policies and practices that impel the next generation toward sets of behaviour that the young are taught publicly to accept without question, with dire consequences as to their escalating lack of self-esteem or sense of personal agency.  

Principles other than self-invention and the right to do what one likes have gone by the board. Instead we have society itself, and sadly it's the United States that is the most toxic in this way, breaking down protections for the vulnerable.

Here is one list that itemizes just of few of the instances where the young are left to float in a foul social ambience.

πŸ’’Easy availability of the abortion pill in the US at the local pharmacy (for now with a prescription, soon over the counter);

πŸ’’ The fight for the rights of minors (children) to change sex;

πŸ’’ The right of officialdom over parents to determine sex change decisions of minors.

πŸ’’The pronoun wars, affecting even kindergarteners, and it is left to confused parents to clean up the mess in the form of the young ones' bewildered comments;

πŸ’’ Drag queen story hours ‒ there have always been neighbourhood transvestites, but the aggressive nature of the new breed of men who identify as women goes far beyond the humourous and colourful  pantomime style of performing in front of children that older generations knew.

Make your own list as a family as to matters the short-sighted foist upon society that harm the young.

Go here for solutions:

​​​​​​So what do we do? And how on earth do we explain such madness to the children in our family?

​​The answer to many of these questions can be found by following something called Natural Law.

​​​​​​Here is Natural Law in a nutshell...

πŸ‘ The natural law is simply the universal moral law, accessible to all people by the light of human reason.  

πŸ‘ Natural law is not the same as the “laws of nature” like gravity, nor is it simply “what happens in nature” or “what feels natural to me.” It is the law of God revealed in our very humanity, written in our consciences. 
πŸ‘ Natural law is not an arbitrary set of rules. Instead, it is like an “instruction manual” that tells us how to live according to the design of our human nature, providing our lives with meaning, peace, and joy. 

The greatest benefit of natural law is that it is not arbitrary. God loves us, so not only his positive commandments but also the moral laws we discover through reason will always correspond to what is good for us as human beings; they will never just be a set of nonsensical, disconnected, inconsistent, incoherent rules. 

If anything, it is our culture that is arbitrary, because it reduces morality to mere popular opinion or the will of the powerful. Children who are raised in this culture of moral relativism, especially those who lack the stability of an intact family, can quickly become disoriented and lost.

Yet, if we can provide them a moral foundation through the natural law—if we can help them see that the way they should act corresponds to the way they are made—they will feel safe and secure in the truth, even as the rest of the world stumbles in darkness. Children who understand God’s created order and how “everything fits together” are more likely to become holy, healthy, and happy adults, leading others to Christ and eternal glory as well. 

These pointers to a solution to the difficulties children and young people face come from a practical book Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues. I bought this book myself, and it is, indeed, an asset as it is written mostly by a mother, with further explanation from an experienced explainer of Christian doctrine.

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